The following example illustrates how Human Health Trend-Monitoring (HHTM) works:
1 Contact Engineered by DOBBS to registar for 100% FREE (no catches) a manual 1-week unlimited trial of full-service with full capabilities testing how our service works.
2 If you like the service, you may register to receive the fully automated data collection devices and receive full unlimited access to your data for our monthly subsciption plan of your choice. See SIGN UP section for instructions how to join our HHTM services.
3 We will monitor daily at least (if not more), all your vital signs confidentially with the highest security only you and our secure data servers having access to your data.
4 If/When any of your vital signs are detected to be outside normal operating range, you will be promptly notified by Text, E-mail and a Voice Message of the specific abnormal condition and notified accordingly how you should best follow-up on the condition, likely contacting a physician for an immediate evaluation.
5 We will maintain complete history of all your vital signs history to help trend all your health conditions over time.